Saturday, December 6, 2008

Every Black Woman Has Power Over Her Own Life

Black Women Power Rule #1 states that every black woman has power over her own life.

It doesn't matter how much or how little education you have, your family background, class status, bank account balance or looks…you have power over your own life. You have the power to decide what you will do TODAY to create the life you want. You have the power to decide what direction your life will take NOW. Living in the past is a huge mistake for Black women who want to harness their power and direct it at creating the life they envision. Although there is nothing wrong with *briefly* looking back at the past to learn lessons or recognize the progress you have made, LIVING in the past is different issue we need to avoid.

The Power Of The Past?

Many black women mistakenly believe that because they came from a dysfunctional family, were abused, raped or were in some way the victim of predators in their communities, that they now have no power. This is a LIE, DON'T BELIEVE IT! No matter how you have been victimized in your life, you still have the power to choose TODAY what steps you will take to create the life you want.

Look at Oprah Winfrey, even if you do not like Oprah, she is a prime example of a Black woman who is FULLY aware of her POWER. Oprah was raped by a relative as a girl and even became pregnant as a teenager; but she did not let that stop her. She didn't stop dreaming and doing in her own life. Now she is a multi-millionaire with immense financial POWER.

A Word On Racism

Many black women mistakenly believe that racism is all powerful and can prevent black women from achieving any measure of success in their lives. These particular black women will look at other black women who are successful in love, finance, health or life in general and say that these people are successful only because they SOLD OUT or ACT WHITE. We need to stop this foolishness immediately. The laws and truths that govern POWER know no color, nationality, creed or sex. If you apply these rules to you life you will be so much more successful.

Racism has NO power over any Black woman's life, especially in the western world. If you live in a western society, such as the US, Canada or Western Europe you have the power to direct your own life. There is no amount of racism that can stop you. Even if you don't live in these relatively free regions, you still have the power to direct your life. We will delve into this in future blogs.

Action Steps You Can Take

Recognize TODAY that you have power over your own life. Write down in a journal or sheet of paper, "I have power over my life!" This is important because if you don't agree that you (and only you) have power over your life, you cannot be successful.

I once had a friend who said she wanted a life change. But every time we discussed how she could improve her life she always spoke about all of the things that were stopping her. She wanted to start a business; but she didn't have enough money. She wanted a long-term boyfriend; but the men she dated only wanted sex. She wanted to move; but the other areas were too expensive. Although my friend did eventually move (because she felt compelled by forced to by outside forces), very little else has changed in her life. The last time I checked, she was still miserable. My point of this story is not to bad mouth the friend; but it's to illustrate that when you believe that outside forces have power over your life, you CANNOT succeed. If you think like my friend, stay tuned for my next post where I will talk about how outside forces don't have as much power as you may think.

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